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Amazing fact about Psychohistories, Ink-blot, psychology, ESP, Oskar Pfungst.

Amazing fact: Psychohistories

Psychohistories are problematical when they explain too much. This occurs when the writer doesn't account for chance and coincidence in the life of the person being studied.

Amazing fact: Ink-blot

The ink-blot test is not much use for finding out anything about another person.

Amazing fact: Psychology

In psychology, a believer is someone who accepts something before checking it out scientifically whereas the skeptic is someone who does not accept something until it has been verified scientifically. Most psychologists are skeptics.

Amazing fact: ESP

The term ESP (extrasensory perception) was made popular by Duke University researcher J. B. Rhine. He identified four types of ESP: clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis, precognition. He was a poor researcher and was often tricked by many of his subjects. Any good magician can outperform the most successful practitioner of ESP.

Amazing fact: Oskar Pfungst

In 1907 German psychologist Oskar Pfungst studied a horse that its owner claimed could perform mental feats such as adding numbers. It couldn't without unconscious cues from its owner.

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