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Amazing fact about Australia, Storms, Saturn, Rain drop, Tree cricket.

Amazing fact: Australia

In Australia's capital cities dust storms are somewhat of a rarity, but have, nonetheless, been responsible for causing significant inconvenience to city life.In Australia, Canberra wins the title of the 'foggiest' capital city with an average of 47 fogs each year.

Amazing fact: Storms

In the tropics where storms travel from the east to the west, rainbows are often seen before a storms arrive.

Amazing fact: Saturn

Saturn has clouds. In fact, any planet or moon with an atmosphere has clouds.

Amazing fact: Rain drop

A raindrop is neither spherical or tear-drop shaped. It is in fact shaped like a burger bun and it falls flat side down.

Amazing fact: Tree cricket

Tree crickets are called the poor man's thermometer because temperature directly affects their rate of activity. Count the number of chirps a cricket makes in 15 seconds, then add 37. The sum will be very close to the outside temperature!

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