Monday, 30 October 2017
Meaning of yell silently
Meaning of yellow brick road
Meaning of yellow cake
Saturday, 28 October 2017
Building and developing nations: Change yourself
*A very humble request to all Citizens
🔖 *1. Don't throw garbage on the roads/streets*
🔖 *2. Don't spit on roads and walls*
🔖 *3. Don't write on walls and currency notes*
🔖 *4. Don't abuse and insult others*
🔖 *5. Save water and electricity*
🔖 *6. Plant a tree*
🔖 *7. Follow traffic rules*
🔖 *8. Take care of your parents and grand parents, take their blessings & always respect them*
🔖 *9. Respect women*
🔖 *10. Give way to ambulance*
📣 *We have got to change ourselves and not the country. Once we change ourselves the country will automatically change*
🔊 *If we want our kids to live in a clean and safe environment then pledge to follow these in your everyday life.*
🎙 *No leader can change the country, it's you & me who can change our beloved nation by changing ourselves*
Meaning and usage of Yell at
Meaning of year in,year out
Meaning and usage of Year Dot
Save life: No password please
*Does It Make Sense?*
Three friends had an accident in a car and became unconscious. A stranger got to the scene and wanted to call for help. He had no phone. *There were six mobile phones in the accident car but all had password on them*.
They all died as a result....!
A pregnant lady collapsed at home with her little daughter. The little girl had no idea of what was happening but saw her mother gasping for air. *She picked her mother's phone to call her Daddy but there was a password on the phone*.
She lost her life.....!
Whose fault?
*My advice is this.*
You are too precious than the information you are securing on your phone.
Only put password on your WhatsApp, Text messages, Facebook, files, etc and leave the call side free. You may one day save your life or the life of your loved ones.
*The password on your phone can be your death warrant.*
Think twice.
A message worth spreading.....creating awareness is real HUMANITY than sympathising or emphathising on the situation....
Friday, 27 October 2017
Meaning and usage of yeah, right
yeah, right
1. (idiomatic, emphatic, colloquial) A sarcastic expression of disbelief.
● Your dog ate your homework? Yeah, right.
2. (literally colloquial) Correct; affirmative; yes; yes, that is correct.
Meaning and usage of yeah, right
yeah, right
1. (idiomatic, emphatic, colloquial) A sarcastic expression of disbelief.
● Your dog ate your homework? Yeah, right.
2. (literally colloquial) Correct; affirmative; yes; yes, that is correct.
Meaning of yardarm to yardarm
Thursday, 26 October 2017
Don't label your child
On attaching 'Labels' to your child's behaviour.
I remember growing up with many labels, like
'Weak in Math'
'Slow eater'
'Non-stop nonsense'
'Attention seeker'
And one label that had almost become a self fulfilling prophecy, 'I'm unlucky, my stars are unlucky'
My parents unknowingly were labelling my behaviour and somewhere in the depth of my subconscious, I was retelling these stories to myself. Gradually these labels became my reality and my life was becoming a mess.
It took me 28 years to realise that I was unconsciously living with a label that's limiting me to live the life I desired.
But now as a parent I recognize the importance of seeing a child's behaviour as only a behaviour and ensuring not to attach a label to it.
So if your child takes a little more time to understand a concept, don't label 'Slow learner' maybe they'll take a little more time, but I'm sure once their foundation is strong, they'll grasp things more quickly.
If your child is not ready to share his toy, don't label 'selfish' maybe your child wants to ensure that his toy is going in careful hands.
If your child talks a lot, don't label 'too talkative' maybe he/she is a little more curious to explore their surroundings.
However your child behaves, as a parent you always have a choice to see the behaviour in an empowering way. Try to decode the purpose behind that behaviour and solve that purpose, the challenging behaviour will dissolve gradually.
Today I want you to pause and reflect on the labels you grew up with. Are they limiting you in anyway? Are you raising your children with any labels? If yes, can you drop it for a moment and have a look at your child's behaviour with a "no filter" approach.
Don't attach any label to your child
Meaning and usage of Yak Shaving
yak shaving
1. (idiomatic) Any apparently useless activity which, by allowing you to overcome intermediate difficulties, allows you to solve a larger problem.
● I was doing a bit of yak shaving this morning, and it looks like it might have paid off.
2. (idiomatic) A less useful activity done to consciously or unconsciously procrastinate about a larger but more useful task.
● I looked at a reference manual for my car just to answer one question, but I spent the whole afternoon with my nose buried in it, just yak shaving, and got no work done on the car itself.
Meaning and usage of Zonk out
zonk out
1. (idiomatic) To fall suddenly into a very deep sleep.
● After a full day of playing, you'd think that kid would finally zonk out.
Womanhood and Boldness is Beauty
If you want to be the queen of your husband's house, *let him be the king.*
Don't raise your daughters like your sons. Womanhood has it's own beauty.
If you are the princess of your father, your man is also the prince of his parents. So don't expect him to *tolerate all your stupidities.*
Work hard, lift weight, do your tasks alone, gain knowledge about more and more fields, walk alone with confidence and push your limits. *Don't beg for the equality, establish it.*
It's not always the men's duty to leave seat for a senior citizen. If you can tolerate *menstruation* and *pregnancy* then traveling uncomfortably becomes a small thing.
*Don't create a hell* for other women around you. Love your mother-in-law and treat your daughters-in-law like your own daughters.
Don't label a woman with simple clothes as *'behenji’.
Stop judging others by looking at their appearance.
You are strong enough to hold your bags and walk in a sunny day. Don't behave like a *touch-me-not.*
If you can earn money then you can spend it too. Don't depend on your husband to pay all your bills. *He is not an ATM.*
Your knowledge of brands doesn't make you modern, but your education does.
Fair skin is not a privilege but the intellect is.
Rather than being a wife of some rich man, you can be a sportsperson, a writer, a doctor, an engineer, businesswoman and what not!
*Boldness is more beautiful than the beauty. So be strong, be bold!*
Wednesday, 25 October 2017
Meaning and usage of zip up
zip up
1. To close with a zip fastener.
● Always check if you've zipped up your fly before you go out. 2. (idiomatic, transitive or intransitive) To close as if with a zip fastener.
● I'll zip up my lip.
● I'll zip up. 3. To convert a computer file into a smaller package.
Meaning and usage of zip one's lip
zip one's lip
1. (idiomatic) To refrain from or to stop talking; to be quiet.
● Why don’t you just zip your lip? I’m tired of listening to you.
Tuesday, 24 October 2017
Bitter reality of this world: More favours leads to more expectations but ultimately person gets bad and painful returns
*Superb story writen by Chetan Bhagat
One night, just before *the shopkeeper was* about to close the shop, *a dog came* into the shop.
*There was a bag* in its mouth. *The bag had a list* of items *to be bought* and money. *The shopkeeper took the money* and *kept the items* in the bag.
Immediately, *The dog picked up the bag* of items and *left.* The *shopkeeper was surprised* and *went behind the dog* to see *who the owner was.*
*The dog waited* at the bus stop. After sometime, *a bus came* and the *dog got into* the bus. As soon as *the conductor came,* it *moved forward* to show his neck belt which *had money and the address* as well. *The conductor took* the money and *put the ticket* in his neck belt again.
When *it reached* the destination, *the dog went* to the front and *wagged his tail* indicating that *he wanted* to get down. The moment the bus stopped, *it got down.* The *shopkeeper was still following* it.
*The dog knocked* on the door of a house with its legs. *Its owner came* from inside and *beat* it with a stick.
The shocked shopkeeper *asked* him "why are you beating the dog?", to which *the owner replied,* "he *disturbed* my sleep. *It could have taken* the keys with it."
*This is* the truth of life. *There is* no end to the expectations people have from you. The moment you *go wrong,* they *start pointing* at our mistakes. All the good done in the past is forgotten. Any small mistake committed then *gets magnified.* *This is* the nature of this material world.!!!
Hopes and dreams are like Hair and nail.
If others respect us, respect them. If they disrespect us, still respect them.
Do not allow the actions of others to decrease our good manners, because we represent ourself, not others..!
Our Hopes And Dreams Should Be Like Hair And Nail,
No Matter How Many Times They Get Cut,
But They Never Stop Growing.
Meaning and usage of " zig when one should zag"
zig when one should zag
1. (idiomatic) to misstep or err
● I started off right, but then I zigged when I should have zagged and ended up with a mess.
Monday, 23 October 2017
Meaning and usage of zero in on
Meaning and usage of zero in on
Don't remain stand if you want successful career
An Employee Was Rewarded A Bicycle By His Organisation. It Was Very Beautiful But Didn't Have A Carrier At The Back, So He Requested The Management To Get One Fixed.
When The Cycle Came Back, It Had The Carrier Fitted, But He Noticed That Now The Stand Was Removed. So He Asked About The Missing Stand.
Boss Said: There Is Only One Thing Possible In the organization - Either CAREER Or STAND. If You Take A Stand, Your CAREER Will Be Finished, And If You Want To Make A CAREER, Never Take A STAND.
Sunday, 22 October 2017
Life before technology
A youngster asked his grandfather...
"Grandpa! How did you people live before with
No technology
No aeroplanes
No internet
No Computer
No Dramas
No aircons
No cars
No Mobile phones.
Dada replied
Just like how you people living today...
No Prayer
No compassion
No honour
No respect
No character
No shame
No modesty"
We, the people born between 1950-1989 are the blessed ones...
Our life is a living proof.
👉While playing and riding bicycle, we never bothered to wear helmets.
👉After school time we played until its dusk but never watched (TV) by locking up ourselves in a room.
👉We played only with our real friends, not with NET friends.
👉 If we ever felt thirsty, we used to drink tap water but never searched for bottled water.
👉We never got ill even after sharing the same juice with four friends.
👉We were never put on weight even after eating plate full of rice everyday.
👉Nothing happened to our feet even after roaming bare foot.
👉We never used any health supplements to keep ourselves healthy.
👉We used to create our own toys and play with them.
👉Our parents were not rich. They just searched for and gave only love.. not any worldly material.
👉We never had cellphones, DVDs, Play stations, XBoxes, video games, Personal computers, internet, chat but we had many real friends.
👉We used to visit our friend's home uncalled and enjoyed food with them. We never had to call them and ask their permission to visit their home.
👉Relatives were near to us so our hearts and souls were happy.
👉We may have been in Black and White photos but you can find good colourful memories in those photos........
👉 We are a unique and the most understanding generation, because we are the last generation who listened to their parents....
and also the first which have to listen to their children.
We are LIMITED Edition!
Saturday, 21 October 2017
Urgently require senior engineer in mumbai
Senior Engineer
Ace Brain System and Software Pvt. Ltd -Mankhurd, Mumbai, Maharashtra
₹1,68,000 - ₹2,28,000 a year
Ace Brain System and Software Pvt. Ltd
Qualifications and Experience:
Degree Holder in Computer Engg. with 2 years’ experience
Diploma holder(BTE approved) in Computer /ElectronicsEngg. with5years’ experience
In Maintenance of PCs, Peripherals & Network devices.Preferably holding CCNA or equivalent certificate. Good knowledge of IT Security implementation & Monitoring. The person will have overall responsibility of all the activities related to the AMC
Job Type: Full-time
Salary: ₹168,000.00 to ₹228,000.00 /year
Joke: Dont be proud of your knowledge
A professor was travelling by boat on a high sea. On their way, he asked the sailor: ‘Hey! do u know Oceanology? Biology? Ecology? Zoology? Physiology?
‘NO’ said the sailor.
The Prof got angry and said: 'then what do u know? You will die of illetracy'!.
30 minutes later, the boat started sinking. The sailor looked at Prof and asked: 'Prof, do u know Swiminology and Escapeology from Sharkology?
‘NO’ said the Prof.
Sailor: Well that means Crocodileology will eat your Headology and u will Dielogy with your Knowledgeology because of your Mouthology and grammartology.
*Don't be proud!*
You are not an island of knowledge, don't look down on anyone, we all have different grace and ability.
Pls share this postology and put smilelogy on ur friends' faceology. Happy weekology 😜 😛😝😜
Meaning and usage of Not Bat an eyelid
Not Bat An Eyelid-show no surprise or concern
-She paid the bill without batting an eyelid.
Quote on unity, teamwork and collective efforts
Quote on importance of work
Quote on importance of pictures and audio visual aids
Quote on citizens, unity and nation building
Quote on sincere and real prayer
Quote on importance of errors, mistakes and failures
Quote on dream and reality
Quote on importance of friend who keeps secret
Quote on individual attention
Quote on reflection and travelling alone
Quote on relationship between loneliness, experience and age
Quote on avoiding bad company and bad friends
Quote: Importance of marriage
Marriage is good for those who are afraid to sleep alone at night.
Marriage overcome fear and removes loneliness.
Quote on relationship between loneliness, knowledge and observation
Quote on how to gain power
Quote on protecting Creatures
Quote on importance of people
Home remedy and natural treatment of Cholera
Honey, Basil,Saline Solution, Steam, Eucalyptus oil,Chicken soup and warm fluid for curing and relieving child' runny nose and running nose.
Home remedy and natural treatment of Chickenpox
Home remedy and natural treatment of Cracked Lips
Home remedy and natural treatment of Burns
Home remedy and natural treatment of Bruise
Home remedy and natural treatment of Bronchitis
Egg white, Garlic, Bread Poultice, Turmeric, Neem, Tree tea oil, Black seeds to cure Boils
Lemon juice and vinegar to get rid of Body Odour
Home remedy and natural treatment of Blisters
Home remedy and natural treatment of Black Eye
Home remedy and natural treatment of Bedwetting
Home remedy and natural treatment of Bad Breath and Halitosis
Home remedy and natural treatment of Backache and Back pain
Home remedy and natural treatment of Athlete's foot
Home remedy and natural treatment of Asthma
Home remedy and natural treatment of Arthritis
Home remedy and natural treatment of Anorexia Nervosa
Garlic, Ginger, Lemon,Basil Leaves,Grapes, Alfalfa tea for relieving and curing chest pain and Angina
Angina (Chest Pain) Angina or Chest Pain is a pain that comes from the heart. Each year about 20,000 people in the UK develop angina for the first time. It is more common in people over the age of 50 years. It is also more common in men than in women. Sometimes it occurs in younger people. ❄ Chest pain or discomfort ❄ Pain in your arms, neck, jaw, shoulder or back accompanying chest pain ❄ Nausea ❄ Fatigue ❄ Shortness of breath ❄ Sweating ❄ Dizziness Angina or chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart is known as angina pectoris or simply angina.
Garlic, Ginger, Lemon,Basil Leaves,Grapes, Alfalfa tea for relieving and curing chest pain and Angina
1. Garlic: Add ½ teaspoon of garlic juice to a cup of hot water and drink it. 2. Ginger: Add 1 tablespoon of grated ginger to a cup of hot water. Cover and steep for 5 minutes, then strain it and drink it. 3. Lemon: Try to include one lemon in your food each day. You can squeeze it over salads or have it as fresh lemon water. 4. Basil Leaves: Chew a few leaves of fresh basil leaves in the morning. If you do not get fresh leaves, then make a juice of basil, adding a few spoons or concentrated basil juice and warm water. 5. Grapes: These are known to strengthen the heart. They help to reduce the risk of heart attack, angina pain and increase the quality of your breath. 6. Alfalfa tea: Drink warm alfalfa tea when you have chest pain. Add 1 teaspoon of dried alfalfa leaves to a cup of hot water. Steep for 5 minutes, then strain it.
Home remedy and natural treatment of Anaemia
Peppermint tea, onion water, honey, citrus fruits to cure and get rid of Allergies
Green tea,Honey, Mint,Apple cider vinegar,Baking soda, Toothpaste, lemon juice for curing Acne
Acne Acne is an infection of the skin, caused by changes in the sebaceous glands. The most common form of acne is called acne vulgaris, which means "common acne". The redness comes from the inflammation of the skin in response to the infection. ❄ Crusting of skin bumps ❄ Cysts ❄ Papules (small red bumps) ❄ Pustules ❄ Redness around the skin eruptions ❄ Scarring of the skin ❄ Whiteheads ❄ Blackheads ❄ Hormonal fluctuation ❄ Hyperactive sebaceous glands ❄ Stress ❄ Many dead skin cells staying on the skin ❄ Bacteria in the pores ❄ Skin irritation or scratching of any sort
1. Baking Soda: Apply a paste of one or two teaspoons of baking soda and a little water. Rinse it off after a few minutes. 2. Green Tea: Use a cooled cup of green tea as a face wash or lay the bag over the affected area. 3. Honey: Apply a teaspoon of honey to affected areas, or make a mask by mixing 1/2 cup of honey with 1 cup of plain oatmeal and leaving it on for 30 minutes. 4. Mint: Mix 2 tablespoons of finely chopped fresh mint with two tablespoons each of plain yogurt and oatmeal (use a blender to pulverize the oatmeal to powder). Leave the concoction on your face for 10 minutes, then rinse off with water. 5. Toothpaste: Apply a small amount of white toothpaste on the affected area before going to bed. The toothpaste will reduce the swelling and dry out the acne. Within a day or two, you should see significant improvement. 6. Lemon Juice: Rub a slice of lemon on the affected area and leave it for a few hours before rinsing your face with water. 7. Apple cider vinegar: mix equal parts apple cider vinegar and water and apply to skin with a cotton ball, making sure to shake well before each use.
Home remedies and natural treatment of Acid Reflux
Acid Reflux Acid reflux is one of the top health-related internet search queries, a very common symptom of burning pain felt internally around the lower chest area, caused by stomach acid flowing back up into the food pipe.
❄ Heartburn ❄ Regurgitation ❄ Bloating ❄ Bloody or black stools or bloody vomiting ❄ Burping ❄ Dysphagia ❄ Hiccups that don't let up ❄ Nausea ❄ Weight loss for no known reason ❄ Wheezing, dry cough, hoarseness, or chronic sore throat ❄ Hiatal hernia ❄ Pregnancy ❄ Smoking ❄ Too little acid ❄ Eating before bed ❄ Excessive exercise ❄ Taking medications ❄ Being overweight or obese
1. A spoonful of baking soda: Mix either a ½ teaspoon or 1 single teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of water that is no more than 8 ounces. Give it a good stir and drink all of the mixture. You can repeat this as needed but should not exceed seven ½ teaspoon doses in a 24 hour period. Also, avoid using this as a remedy for more than a week straight, as it is high in salt and can have side effects such as swelling or nausea.
2. Soothe your stomach with aloe juice: Drink a ½ cup of aloe juice, cool or room temperature, before meals. Keep in mind that aloe can act as a laxative, so unless you’re looking to fit in a few extra bathroom Sudoku puzzles, look for a brand that has the laxative component removed.
3. Chew gum: After a meal, pop in a piece of sugar-free gum and chew for 30 minutes to help ward off heartburn.
4. Get more acid: Mix 3 teaspoons, or up to 1 tablespoon, of apple cider vinegar into 6-8 ounces of fresh water, and drink. You can do this before each meal, before bedtime, or 2-3 times during the day.
5. Eat a banana or an apple
6. Make gingerroot tea
7. Avoid tight fitting clothes 8. Avoid Smoking, alcohol
Harmful effects of cocaine
Cocaine is the most frequently reported illicit substance associated with drug abuse fatalities and causes three times more deaths than any other illegal drug.
However, prescription drug abuse has recently passed cocaine abuse as the leading cause of all drug-related deaths
Forms of cocaine
Cocaine comes in two main forms, powder and crystalline.
The crystal rock form, commonly known as crack or freebase, is cocaine that has not been neutralized by an acid
Proper utilization of Sunday
A Sunday well-spent brings a week of content.
Utilize your Sunday properly it will bring contentment.
Friday, 20 October 2017
Meaning and usage of account for
*** Idiom ***
account for (something)
*** Explanation
*** to provide an explanation or an answer for something
*** Example
He has to account for this failure.
Meaning and usage of according to
*** Idiom
according to (someone or something)
*** Explanation as said or told by someone, in agreement with something, in the order of something, in proportion to something
*** Example : According to me, he is right.
Meaning and usage of about to
*** Idiom
*** about to (do something)
*** Explanation *** to be on the point of doing something
*** Example *** I was about to do that work
Meaning of back the wrong horse
*** Idiom
*** back the wrong horse
*** Explanation *** If you back or bet on the wrong horse, for example the loser in a contest, match or election, you support the wrong person.
*** Example *** If you back or bet on the wrong horse, for example the loser in a contest, match or election.
Thursday, 19 October 2017
Learn English:5
How are you?
How is life?
How are things?
How is your married life?
I am fine.
Pretty well.
Fit as a fiddle.
I am fine.
What about you?
How about you?
I am fine and you?
How is your father?
How is your mother?
How is your brother?
How is your sister?
He is fine.
Oh, well.
He is doing fine.
How is everybody?
How is everybody at home?
Everybody is fine.
All are fine.
Learn English:4
I am John.
I am a student of St. Andrew’s High School.
I am working in Microsoft Corporation.
I am doing business.
I am looking for a job.
I am a housewife.
He is my father.
She is my mother.
He is my elder brother.
This is my younger brother.
She is my elder sister.
She is my younger sister.
He is my grandfather.
She is my grandmother.
He is my neighbour.
He is my classmate.
He is my colleague.
Story::Accept your weakness and be satisfied
Learn To Live With Your Weaknesses
It was a fine day during the rainy season. A peacock was dancing happily in a forest. Suddenly he reminded of his ugly rough voice. His face turned pale and his eyes started watering.
Suddenly he saw a nightingale sitting on a nearby tree and singing. Listening her, the peacock lamented what a sweet voice she has, which everybody loves and praises but when I utter a sound everybody makes fun of me. How jinxed am I . Lady came.She asked the peacock why are u said? The peacock sobbed out I have got such a beautiful body that is praised by all but my voice is so bad that everyone laughs at it. So this beauty is useless .
you are the only one who is unhappy. Several creatures have been gifted by god with various gifts like- you the beauty, eagle the strength, nightingale the sweet voice, so on and so forth. So don't grumble over your weakness, accept the way it is and be happy
“ Hence, one should not regret on what he/she doesn‘t have rather be satisfied with what one has. The End.
Story: Golden egg
Once upon a time there lived a cloth merchant in a village with his wife and two children. They were indeed quite well-off. They had a beau-tiful hen which laid an egg everyday. It was not an ordinary egg, rather, a golden egg. But the man was not satisfied with what he used to get daily.
He was a get rich-trice kind of a person. The man wanted to get all the golden eggs from his hen at one single go. So, one day he thought hard and at last clicked upon a plan. He decided to kill the hen and get all the eggs together.
So, the next day when the hen laid a golden egg, the man caught hold of it, took a sharp knife, chopped off its neck and cut its body open. There was nothing but blood all around & no trace of any egg at all. He was highly grieved because now he would not get even one single egg. His life was going on smoothly with one egg a day but now, he himself made his life miserable.
The outcome of his greed was that he started becoming poorer & poorer day by day and ultimately became a pauper. How jinxed and how much foolish he was. So, the moral of the story is- one who desires more, looses all. One should remain satisfied with what one gets. The End..
It's not easy to describe a noun. In simple terms, nouns are "things" (and verbs are "actions"). Like food. Food (noun) is something you eat (verb). Or happiness. Happiness (noun) is something you want (verb). Another example is "human being"". A human being (noun) is something you are (verb).
What are Nouns?
The simple definition is: a person, place or thing
teacher, school, book
Countable Nouns, Uncountable Nouns
dog/dogs, rice, hair(s)
Proper Nouns (Names)
Do we say "Atlantic Ocean" or "the Atlantic Ocean"? Should I write "february" or "February"?
Shirley, Mr Jeckyll, Thailand, April, Sony
Possessive 's
Adding 's or ' to show possession.
John's car, my parents' house
Noun as Adjective
Sometimes we use a noun to describe another noun. In that case, the first noun is "acting as" an adjective.
love story, tooth-brush, bathroom
Learn English:3
Repeat the following sentences:
Sami knows what that means.
Sami got a promotion at work.
Sami has to come with me.
Sami has to go with Layla.
Sami's doctor didn't suggest any special treatment.
Sami has a good chance to survive.
Sami is out of danger.
Sami has finally done something right.
Sami doesn't care anymore.
Sami has done everything right.
Learn English:3
Repeat the following sentences:
Sami knows what that means.
Sami got a promotion at work.
Sami has to come with me.
Sami has to go with Layla.
Sami's doctor didn't suggest any special treatment.
Sami has a good chance to survive.
Sami is out of danger.
Sami has finally done something right.
Sami doesn't care anymore.
Sami has done everything right.
Learn English:2
Repeat the sentences
John own everything what Layla has.
There was nothing but an old armchair in the room.
He was waiting for Layla to be discharged from the hospital.
Sam gave permission to Farid to take his son to picnic
Sam continued reading the letter.
Sam congratulated Layla for her new position.
Sam is the new sales executive of the company.
Sam won't find out.
Sam knows what that means.
Sam got a promotion at work.
Learn English: 1
Repeat the sentences
Now that they have a baby, the Tyson has to hire a part-time helper
He died without knowing Layla was pregnant.
He was stark naked.
He knows what he can count on Layla.
He can tell Layla anything.
He can confide in Layla.
I like Tom too.
Are you coming tomorrow?
We don't know if Tom can help us.
Beneficial information
Shipwreck more tragic than Titanic
Watch video to know: Shipwreck more tragic than Titanic
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Watch a amazing chase of Squirrel
Visit link for amazing machine