Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Common errors in English: Usage of Pronounce for neuter gender her/him.

Pronouns for neuter gender

Incorrect : The door is open; please shut her. 

Correct : The door is open; please shut it.

Incorrect: The book is good; you should read him. 

Correct: The book is good; you should read it.

Note: In English only persons and animals are of masculine or feminine gender. Things without life are of neuter gender and take the pronoun it in the singular. But when inanimate objects are personified, they take masculine or feminine pronouns. 

For example: 

Death lays his icy hands on all. 

Bangladesh is a small country but her population is very big.

Beneficial information

Shipwreck more tragic than Titanic

Watch video to know: Shipwreck more tragic than Titanic https://youtu.be/7IVaHgxHU20

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