Key to success in life and interpersonal relationship: Pause,Thinking, Control and Share..
*May peace be upon you!*
*Practice the pause*
Pause before judging.
Pause before assuming.
Pause before accusing.
Pause whenever you're about to react harshly and you'll avoid doing and saying things you'll later regret...
*Think before reacting
* Think before replying
*Think before taking decision
* Control your anger
* Control your expenditure
* Control your speed
* Control your temper
* Control your diet
* Control your desire
* Control your hunger
* Control your emotions
* Sharing
* Share your wisdom
* Share your ideas
* Share your resources
* Share your wealth
*Share your food
*Share your strategies
Results: You will gain more wealth, friends,well wishers, reputation, job security, promotion, health, ...
Importance, advantages and benefits of pause , control, thinking and sharing are many..
They are source healthy and effective interpersonal relationship