Every year the sun evaporates 100,000 cubic miles of water from Earth (400 trillion tonnes)
Amazing fact: Moon orbit
Because the Moon's orbit is elliptical and tilted, we actually see a bit more than half its surface.
Amazing fact: Huge star
In 1843 the huge star Eta Car erupted, ejecting 2 gas bubbles with as much mass as the Sun, each.
Amazing fact: Oort clouds
The Oort Cloud is a vast spherical cloud of comet nuclei one light year from the Sun. It is held relatively weakly by the solar system's gravity, so it can be easily influenced by the gravity of passing stars. This gravity can nudge comets out of position, and send them travelling into the inner solar system
Amazing fact: Largest Structure
The largest structure found in the universe is the Sloan Great Wall, a super cluster of galaxies 1.37 billion light-years wide.
Amazing fact: Marshmallow and The Atomic bomb
If a marshmallow were dropped from a foot above the surface of a neutron star it would have the energy of a modern atomic bomb.