The heaviest recorded rainfall occurred at Foc-Foc, Reunion, an island in the Indian Ocean, where 1,825 millimetres fell in twenty-four hours.
Amazing fact: Spring
In the eastern United States, Spring weather travels northward at a rate of about 13 miles (20 km) per day.
Amazing fact: Dust mite
Dust mite populations peak during the hot, humid months of July and August.
Amazing fact: clouds
In 1803 the first classification of clouds was made up by Luke Howard (1772-1864) who used Latin words to describe their characteristics: Cirrus (tufts or whisps), Stratus (a layer), Nimbus (rain bearing) and Cumulus (a heap or pile).The puffy clouds we often see floating in a blue sky are called cumulus clouds.
Amazing fact: Flooding
Excessive flooding was reported along the Mississippi River and all over the Midwest, from Ohio to the Milk River in Montana. In some places it was the worst flooding of record.
Amazing fact: coldest temperature
The coldest temperature ever recorded was a negative 126.9 degrees fahrenheit in Vostok Station, Antarctica.