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Amazing fact about Babies, people, man, kidney, Nails, DNA, Forgetting.

Amazing fact: Babies

All babies are color blind when they are born.

Amazing fact: People

People who meet their calcium need reduce their risk of developing kidney stones.

Amazing fact: Man

On average, a man spends about five months of his life shaving.

Amazing fact: Kidney

In a lifetime, the human kidneys clean over 1 million gallons of blood.

Amazing fact: Nails

Nails and corneas are the only two tissues in the body that do not receive oxygen from blood.

Amazing fact: DNA

The DNA of humans is closer to a rat than a cat.

Amazing fact: Forgetting

You forget 50-80% of what you learn each day if you do nothing with the new information, such as review, rethink or reread it, on the same day.

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